5 things that I do when I am feeling bored

3 min readJul 22, 2021

Feeling bored when there is a lockdown outside and stuck at home, right?

I am feeling bored too. I can understand your current mood. Repeating old routine full of daily chaos and then sleeping with all tiredness of physical and mental. This pandemic is not only affecting physical but also mental health.

A question arises here what to do when you are bored at home?

Let me share my top 5 things that I do when I am feeling bored at home. And you can also add them to your things to do when bored list. These are limited options, and many other things to do are there when you want to increase your mood level from bored to active.

1. Search for a new reality series or entertainment

When you think about things to do when feeling bored. I can bet the first thing that will pop up in your brain will be watching a new reality series or entertainment. Maybe video games or a new song list that will appeal to you. A reality show is also the best bonus for a bored mind.

2. Organizing the closet

Just like me, you can go for organizing a corner of your home and give it a new look. It also provides you with a chance of separating old things and then recycle them in unique creativity. Organizing your closet will give more space for new items, and in the end, you will have some lost items. Now, you are feeling happy in addition to a bit of relaxation.

3. Read a new book

Reading a new book or novel is an advantageous option when added to things to do when feeling bored. It is also the best opportunity for you to read a book or a story you wish to read for a long time. You’ll be feeling relaxed as well portion of new knowledge adds up to your memory.

4. Try to learn to cook a new delicious dish

You are thinking that I am feeling bored, and at the same time, you are also feeling hungry. Then what are you waiting for; grab your phone, turn on your internet and search on YouTube for new easy delicious dish recipes. Enjoy eating your delicious dish.

5. Explore new trendy styles for outfits

When you think about things to do when bored, this boredom comes from wearing the same old fashioned clothes. Exploring a new trendy style for outfits is the best answer to; what to do when you are bored at home? Convert old fashioned dress into a new stylish look. Boom! You have saved your money by not buying a new dress and also have a trendsetter dress.

These are my simple 5 things to do when I am feeling bored. You can search for new entertainment, organize a corner of the home into a new look, gain knowledge by reading a new book, feed yourself with a delicious dish, give your dresses a whole new stylish look and many options to go.

Thank you! Everyone for reading it till the end, waiting forward to your kind feedback. Do tell me about your things to do when feeling bored.

